Hell-o, I hope you all had a good howl-i-day weekend and you celebrated the Birthday of the USA with wonderful events… My weekend was a weird one… …it started that SHE! I will ignore now, said, that someone stinks to high heaven in my crib… … and instead to swing herself in that bathtub, she […]
via easyblog TORTURE TUESDAY — Easy Blog
Do not read.
Dear Dog Leader Mystery Reader,
For many years now I keep telling myself I need to learn to write funny. I don’t mean full of typos funny. Nor do I mean to make fun of the gains I have made in fiction, nonfiction and blogging. I just want some of my readers to howl, once an a while. A good belly laugh or a laugh until you cry is good for us.
Now I’ve never in all my days known a dog who could tell a joke. Not even take a joke, not one of my dogs liked being laughed at. But after years of feeding my dogs dinner (mostly on time) and watch Dawn and Nabisco go bonkers when I lifted their dishes.
Literally, no not “literary” but a full Max’s Brothers film worthy show of high jinks. Their joyful JUMPS always got out of hand. Everyday. One dog or the other jumped, twirled, careened, until…both dogs were crashing head-on into the oven or our narrow kitchen walls.
I’m such a softy that I hated to see them hurt themselves. A single step into the kitchen had them doing the doggie equivalent of cartwheels.
Hahaha. “Oh, no. Stop.” I’d cry out.
“Dawn, sit. Nabisco, sit.” But by then our dogs had started their happy dance with not a thought in their doggie heads. Visions of kibble? Really? Going nuts for the same dinner, again? Noooooooooooooooo. Erase. Please rewind that mental video tape.
Yes. It’s true. All too true. So if I had been wise or wiser (no wisecracks, please) I would have tied each dog down then command “down-stay.” Needless to say, they didn’t even have doggie beds. Keeshonds get overheated and both liked to flop where ever we sat. They also love lying belly up, legs akimbo to vent off their excess body heat.
Of course, I should also began feeding them in different rooms (something I learned late in life, put one dog in one room and feed him). Actually I never tried to learn anything from my dogs, but they did a good job with me anyway.
Do female dogs run the show in your house?
First our dog, Dawn, would run Nabisco off his food. She’d eat both the dinners I served them. Poor boy, Nabisco had grown up in a household of twenty-five dog cousins. Nabisco happened to be a runt. Plus in the Keeshond breed the females are dominant. Really bossy babes. No kidding, somedays, she was a b*!@h. But not the day photographed below. She loved our kid. Loved kids. Other dogs too. Nabisco became her dog. She just wasn’t into sharing.
Your turn to weigh in.
Please visit Easy Blog. But only if you want to laugh. Visit the bathroom before you read the Easy Blog. Accidents do happen with dogs and people. How do you spell peeeeeople? Ask Easy if you need help. He loves comments. His readers like to write funny too. Be sure and read the comments. Best of all, tell Easy we sent you. He gave me his permission to reblog his TORTURE TUESDAY-EasyBlog.
This is my last few months blogging here at Dog Leader Mysteries. Why? Because we are moving to our new site, author site for Deborah Taylor-French. If you have any suggestions for giveaways I would love them. I want to give away some tips on keeping your dog healthy, which looks like a favorite topic with our readers and one on how to “Save your dog’s life” by paying attention to safety details few dog lovers know. So please chime in soon, so we can take your ideas in and come out with some great short books. Yes, free books. One’s you don’t have to review or buy.
All our best to you,
Deborah Taylor-French
easyweimaraner says
we noticed the “females rule” thing in our house too… Chipie was the boss and Frosty the loser… but he tried everything to please her :o) the mama dreams about this kind of female regency… but my dad said: dream on :o)
dogleadermysteries says
Thanks Easy for your amusing comment. Your dad has the right idea, “dream on.”
Easy, you keep on being a witty top dog. Keep that SHE! in line. Skip bathrooms cause no good ever came from them. Bathtubs were made for people to relax in, not to freakout dogs.
MissPerkyTraveller says