Dog Humor on Dog Leader Mysteries Dogs laugh but they laugh with their tails. Thanks for reading our blog Deborah Taylor-French Sign up for our Skinny on Dogs Newsletter Free monthly …
Do Dogs Make You Laugh?
Do they know they are clowning? Have often wondered if dogs get how funny they are. Many times playing with one of my dogs, a loud laugh burst out of my mouth. A number of times the dog froze. I have …
Bossy White Poodle Hates Baths
Three faces of Sydney, Sid Vicious, not so dangerous now Sydney, the kid, our kid, knows us like a boss. …
easyblog (___) TUESDAY — Easy Blog
Hell-o, I hope you all had a good howl-i-day weekend and you celebrated the Birthday of the USA with wonderful events… My weekend was a weird one… …it started that SHE! I will ignore now, said, that …
Sun lover dogs
Senior dogs' sunbaths All of our dogs were sunbathers, even my keeshonds! Keeshonds that have a double coat to keep them warm in snow and ice. Dawn and Nabisco loved to go outside and lay in the sun. …
Pet Rock: Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop
Little dog loves rock climbing Remember the "Pet Rock" craze? I never wanted one nor had one. At one time in the USA, Pet Rock fad soared due to marketing and rose in popularity as a gag gift. Why …
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