Blog for the Change for Animals Blog For The Change for Animals or #BtC4Animals on Twitter, I joined this movement to help boost the best news for animals and kind animal treatment. For times a year …
Rainy day dog play
Rain never stops our play We adopted Sydney in January. From traces on copy paper, I noticed he had been born on my birthday (or had I been born on his?)! Yes, I felt amazed. Sydney = kismet! For me …
Be the Change 4 American wild horses
Horses captured my heart before I could talk American wild horses need help. October 15, 2015 Good News 4 Sequoia, 1 wild horse On October 14 I read Protect Mustangs Facebook page and saw this …
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Microchip your dog!
Microchip your dog! “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot… nothing is going to get better. It's not.” Thousands of black dogs or cats live in your city or county Please microchip your …
5 Facts: Rabbits vs Whole Foods Market
Rabbits vs. Whole Foods Market "Whole Foods Market buys their bunny meat from a bunny killing conglomerate in the Midwest called Iowa Rabbit. These are actual images from one of the farms that …
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Little dog in hurricane
Dogs in hurricane weather Si es verdad. It is hard to believe. In reading the weekly free paper, Gringo Gazette in Baja, CA Sur, Mexico, a tiny dog (smaller than the one in this photograph) lived …