“The trouble with most people is that they think with their hopes or fears or wishes rather than with their minds.” Will Durant
Trouble Thinking?
Ditto here.
Some days my brain spins pure worry. When at last, I settle at my desk to write, just garbage surfaces to my consciousness. So, today I relate to the mountain of negativity I find on the bargain basement shelves of automatic, knee-jerk hopelessness. There seems so much of it these days in the news, in the heartless greed of governments and big business, in the struggle for working families to buy food and pay rent too.
Of course on a deeper level, I believe I am okay. I live with my family, pets, and close to friends. I live a life with choices. I belong to a Center for Spiritual Living that reminds me to turn to the all abundant LIFE in me and others. Most of the time my days filled with gratitude. Gratitude for those people, pets, and choices which lift my spirits.
Ever Been Crushed by the Wheel?
At times I feel crushed beneath the wheel of life. Broken under a wheel of illness, a cycle of chronic migraines. Chronic migraines take four days from my experience, during which time I am nauseous and unable to function.
Lately, I have tried a few new strategies. This summer, my period of well being, or free from a headache stretched to once a month. Now that’s an improvement from having a migraine once a week, right? Still, I just lost a whole weekend to the dang brain event. I resent being in such pain. Even as I took 100mg of Imitrex on Saturday, I felt plagued by twinges and headache foreboding for two days.
Fall Down Seven Times
My point and I do have one, is that after going through dozens of treatments from Extra-Strength Tylenol to Vicodin to Imitrex injections, etc. plus two MRI scans, I have not given up on learning to manage a consistent writing life.
I have seen the damage migraines do. I still can picture those hundreds of events, which look like mini strokes. Which is why I am determined to not keep headaches from taking my thinking power, I want my writing drive to return.
So as the Zen saying goes,
Fall down seven times, get up eight.
BTW: I have a guest post up on Thonie Hevron’s blog, Just the Facts, Ma’am.
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