Coyotes hunt small animals, dogs & cats too.
This topic applies to those readers who live in rural and semi-rural settings. As I read a discussion on a small social media site, I thought a number of our dog lovers would benefit from the experience of those who live in Coyote areas. This topic began with a question on how to keep small animals safe. The man worried about the safety of his little dog and outdoor cat. I modified the following conversation to make it understandable and useful to our readers.
Two adult Coyotes migrated into the Lichau Creek by the town of Penngrove. They lived near a farm and went after the chickens. Over the next few weeks, they migrated into the West Railroad area. Warning to those people with outdoor cats, take them inside or build a secure cat run. A radio playing will not scare Coyotes away. Otherwise accept the risk that your outdoor cat will be breakfast, lunch or dinner for a coyote. Coyotes may be evening, night and morning animals but don’t be surprised if one is around in the middle of the day. They don’t follow human expectations.
Experts say coyotes do not see humans as a food source.
She qualified that, “I don’t know how many coyotes were in the survey though.”
The longer coyotes integrate into human communities and become more comfortable around people the higher chance they will approach, challenge, and possibly bite someone.
Do not interfere with a pair or group of Coyotes. Do not approach. Never step in during an attack on a cat or small dog because of the probability of being bitten. Wild animals do not flee only due to fear of us nor do they obey us like domesticated dogs.
Do remember, this conversation focuses on two or three coyotes in an area of 100 – 200 square miles. Not much chance of you coming across them. They don’t want to come across you unless you have something they want and think they can get. Hungry wild animals do enter rural and semi-rural areas, the more food they lack, the higher the numbers of coyotes enter and remain in our parks, farms, and subdivisions.
Discourage coyotes from living near people.
“Lincoln Julie, integrated pest management lead for the city of Calgary, said while the city isn’t doing anything directly to ward off coyotes, there are things citizens and homeowners can do.
“Start with cleaning your yard,” said Julie. “Clean up the littler, clean up the dog feces, clean up fallen fruit. Don’t give the coyote a reason to want to be there.” He said numbers are up as of late because it’s mating season. Because coyotes will be looking for spaces to use as a den, residents are also encouraged to block off openings under decks and porches. Toronto Metro Brampton looks to discourage coyote attacks with a ban on feeding wildlife
Encounter a coyote? “It’s best to try to scare the animal.”
“You need to let the animal know that it’s not ok that they’re there. Try yelling at them, swing brooms at them, bang pots – whatever you can do to get them off your property.” Julie said culls don’t work because another animal is always ready to come in and take the place of the coyote that’s removed.” Coyote sightings causing concern: ‘I’m walking on playgrounds and school fields, By Brodie Thomas Metro Published Feb 22, 2018, Toronto Metro
To find out more visit Living with Coyotes and Coyote attacks on humans. A sign to discourage people from feeding coyotes. Feeding wild animals habituates them to human presence, thus increasing the likelihood of attack.
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Pet Seed says
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Wish you all the best!
Deborah Taylor-French says
Hello, Pet Seed,
Thanks for your enthusiastic comment. I appreciate you doing that. I especially like that you asked a question.
I hope to write a response on How to Keep Your Dog Healthy soon.