New topic on Dog Leader Mysteries?
While studying fiction as a writer, I began this blog. All of my Dog Leader Mysteries have dog characters, dog humor and a thread of information on positive vs. negative training.
After dozens of years of studying and writing fiction, I have decided to write about the craft of writing stories and to share tips for writers who need to tell compelling stories. Writers need support of other writers and quality information on how to connect with readers.
Although I have written for most of my life, writing fiction still feels new. Well, when does eleven years feel new to you?
How to study the craft of fiction
- How to write fiction books
- Read tons of fiction
- Write at least a million plus words then keep writing
- Join a writers’ group or club
- Attend author book talks
- Take online seminars on writing
- Attend writers conferences
- Participate in writers’ critique groups
- Become a beta reader for writers you respect
My bank of knowledge keeps growing
I’m adding this Write Monday feature post, due to a decade of years as an active member of Redwood Writers. Our club has grown from the forty members when I first joined to a whopping team of nearly three hundred. We also are the most active of the twenty-one branches of the California Writers Club. “Educating writers of all abilities in the craft of writing and in the marketing of their work.”
Redwood Writers motto? “Writers helping writers.” So in that spirit I will also offer some valuable insight, resources and skills I learn as Redwood Writers Author Support Facilitator.
Topics RW Author Support Group tends to visit often include:
- What is craft?
- Can you define your genre?
- How do I overcome writers’ block?
- Where can I find an editor?
- How to get published?
- Where can I find readers for my books?
Facilitator Chair: Deborah Taylor-French writes a monthly column for The Sonoma County Gazette. She has published in The North Bay Business Journal, Changing Hurt to Hope’s Cry of the Nightbird and winning video scripts for Sonoma County Regional Parks. Her stories and poems appear in seven Redwood Writers’ Vintage Voices.

The business side of writing
This August at Redwood Writers monthly meeting, our speaker delivered a hot topic with dozens of juicy details all serious writers need to know by Linda Lee. The title of the talk?
“The Author Website: building a site that works for you”
Who is Linda Lee?
Linda Lee is a Web designer, WordPress expert and educator. “…an online expert. She is a writer, speaker, educator, and website designer who demystifies the online experience. Whether you are a novice or veteran Internet user, Linda can help you optimize and monetize your website.” As a former expert marketing executive, Linda Lee, continues to use and teach winning strategies for author Web sites and offers professional editing services.
Please visit Linda Lee’s Web site Askmepc-webdesign
Writing fiction tends to be a seven-day a week obsession. A grand adventure in self-employment or a hobby for some who love the craft of storytelling. A number of writers work as magazine editors, literary agents work in the business of publishing or write for pay in the fields of technical, business or news.
The writing I love tells compelling stories.
Diverse types of writing demand good storytelling skills. Bloggers, news features, newsletters of nonprofits, creative nonfiction, magazine stories, educational textbooks, even letter writing (a lost art?) all benefit from good storytelling.
Write Monday: why tune in?
Tune in to discuss questions like these.
- Can you define good storytelling?
- What mistakes do bad storytellers make that you hate?
- Have you ever helped someone write a better story?
- Tips for better storytelling.
- Lists to strengthen on your next blog post. Fun discussion on what helps writers get better at writing. Samples of the good, the bad and the ugly writing.
The writing I love to read for pleasure falls in the category of fiction, especially historical fiction and mystery fiction. I happen to love learn. Plus I love stories!
Well this Oregon-based writer really appreciates all the help that other writers so willingly offer, especially you Deborah.
Good morning Paul, so good to talk to you last week. Thanks for your like and thanks. You are a pleasure to talk with and to read.
How our writing and revise days dash by. I’m planning to fly Write Monday! Our Redwood Writers club just choose to list members blogs on writing in our newsletter, which has a wide audience. Plus I have so many wonderful books and much news on writing to share.
Will drop in on that Redwood Writers club, assuming there is an online presence. Best wishes, Paul