Keep your dog healthy
Please buy your dog food and your dog products from a local pet store or a farm supply. Ask if the business owners or managers if they subscribe to daily updates on potentially harmful foods, treats and supplements. Ask if they track all lists of recalled pet products everyday they are open.
Use a trustworthy pet food store
A caring and knowledgeable store will pull all recall items each morning then ship them back to the sellers before the pet shop opens their doors to the public. They don’t want your dog getting sick from anything they sell. Naturally, they want to keep your business and have you refer friends and others to shop with them. A self monitor their products to keep from selling toxic products.
The old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is certainly valuable in many ways to dog lovers. Be picky when it comes to buying and giving products to your dog for eating or chewing.
We shop at Western Farm because they assure us that they check all product recalls and pull them off the shelf to be returned to each company that produced any and all pet product recalls.

Salmonella tainted Neptune, NJ Nylabones
“April 22, 2015 — Nylabone Products of Neptune, NJ is recalling one lot of its Puppy Starter Kit dog chews because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella.” The Dog Food Advisor
“The recalled Puppy Starter Kit consists of one lot of dog chews that were distributed nationwide, to Canada and through one domestic online mail order facility. The recalled product comes in a 1.69 ounce package marked with Lot #21935 and UPC 0-18214-81291-3 and with an expiration date of 3/22/18.”
A few responses on Dog Food Advisor
“Be so careful with chew bones, especially if your dog’s a fast eater. I lost a wonderful friend due to a blocked intestine. It was a large chunk of a “digestible” chew bone.”
“I just bought these for my puppy not to long ago. And he chewed up the dark bone and ate it! Next thing I know… He was throwing up the next 24hrs- 7 times! Took him to vet and thy diagnosed him with an intestinal infection….. Wonder if it was because of the nylabone!”
“Same with my dog! Vomiting and peeing blood! He has a urinary tract infection they said. Same symptoms of salmonella. Call nylabone!! They should foot your vet bills!”
Read more on the Dog Food Advisor
Action, return & complaint
“Consumers who have purchased the affected product should discontinue use of the chews and may return the unused portion to the place of purchase for a full refund.
Those with questions may contact the company at 877-273-7527, Monday through Friday from 8 am – 5 pm Central time. After hours and weekend calls are covered by a third-party poison control center.
U.S. citizens can report complaints about FDA-regulated pet food products by calling the consumer complaint coordinator in your area. Or go to http://www.fda.gov/petfoodcomplaints.
Canadians can report any health or safety incidents related to the use of this product by filling out the Consumer Product Incident Report Form.” The Dog Food Advisor
“Consumers who have purchased 1.69 oz. packages of the Puppy Starter Kit from affected Lot 21935, UPC 0-18214-81291-3, Expiration date of 3/22/18, should discontinue use of the product and may return the unused portion to the place of purchase for a full refund. Consumers with questions may contact the company at 1-877-273-7527, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Central time (after hours/weekends covered by third-party poison control center).” FDA.gov “Safety Recall”
Visit The Dog Food Advisor
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Great information to share, Deborah. I’ve often wondered about Nylabones — good to know!
What a great reminder, Deborah. I shall print out your post and make sure that it is raised with retailers when we are shopping for our dogs. (Something that we do rather frequently! 😉 ) Well done!
Actually, just realised that as well as bringing this up with the retailers that we buy dog food from, I should republish this over on Learning from Dogs. Would that be OK with you?
Thanks Paul, for your love of dogs and dog lovers. Great idea to print it out to share with pet stores. Yes, I would be grateful for you to reblog this on your site. Thanks for asking and for your comments.
Great pleasure. For in our love for our animals and trees comes our salvation! (Sorry, just practicing for a post coming out on LfD later this week! 😉 )