Remember the Pet Rock craze?
At one time in the U.S.A., the Pet Rock sales soared due to clever marketing and rose in popularity as a gag gift. The Pet Rock fad made its inventor, marketing executive Gary Dahl, a 1970’s millionaire.
“He wrote a 32 page instruction manual full of puns, gags and plays on words…which was the real product. The original kit consisted of ordinary gray stones from a builders supply store. These had no eyes.” Wikipeida Pet Rock Later they added eyes along with variations of size and stone color. In 1981 a new wave and power pump band from England, The Sinceros, released an album titled, Pet Rock.
Our Sydney A.K.A. Sid Vicious
Did you like Chia Pets? Somehow I didn’t get the appeal of either, both items fit in the gag gift category. Chia Pets Wikipedia.
Go climb a rock or go walk your dog. Either works as a better option for happiness than a Pet Rock. For a real feel good, click on The Animal Rescue Site and give shelterless pets a bowl of food. Completely free, I do it very day. If you knew me well you’d know my days vary wildly, not much gets repeated because life rolls out much to interesting. Thanks for reading, sharing and caring about dogs, pets and animals.
Deborah Taylor-French
cdog5 says
I do remember both the Pet Rock (always wish I’d invented it! LOL) and Chia Pets! And, like you, I daily donate shelter food by an easy tap of the screen. Excellent post and suggestions! 🙂