Car with dog on the roof?
Yesterday, after doing the marketing I turned a corner, the side with our town’s U.S. Post Office, to find this guy.

Waiting looked like his job.
Dogs like to give themselves jobs, especially if we don’t give them something to do.

Directly opposite this car stood a dog groomers, and several dog parents came out. One say, “Hello Joey.”
Turns out, I had just met Joey, a local character. Her dog Athena looked at Joey. But they had to leave.

Thanks for stopping by Dog Leader Mysteries by Deborah Taylor-French.
Please comment on usual dogs you have met. If you have a photograph, your dog or friend’s dog could star in next week’s Photo Friday.
That little guard is very adorable, manning (dogging?) his post! So curious how he made it up there!
Me too.
I think his dad, Steve, puts Joey there because when Steve returned he said, “Joey likes being up high so he can see everything.” Our Sydney likes the highest spot in the room too, but we kick him off because he often begins a bark=a-thon from his perch.
Great photo, It’s wonderful how dogs make us smile.
Thanks, Kristina. Yes, wonderful. PS. You make me smile too.