Dogster defines itself as "Expert info. Community know-how." I want to share a page from their Web site plus a post. I found dogster, while looking for sites that promote adoption and provide sound …
Dogs say, "I'm okay. I'm not sure about you."
"We've got to stop greeting like this." Anxious dogs show stress in greeting rituals. And size matters to dogs, they know when they're out numbered or when a new dog towers over them. Little dogs …
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Too Much Barking?
Barking? How much is too much? And what can you do if your dog's barking is bugging you? What you do really depends on your dog. Why is he or she barking? And when? Asking a dog not to bark is like …
Stop Dog Fights Before They Start
Not all dogs speak the same language. Dog Leaders watch dogs. By watching, Dog Leaders pay attention to social cues that signal friendly or aggressive behavior in dogs. Dog safety always comes first. …