Does your dog cheat? Of course, other dogs cheat too. Read my post “A sneaky dog.” Due to the fact that in the U.S.A. 99% of purebred puppies come from puppy mills, I urge anyone wanting to buy to …
A sneaky dog?
Seriously, your dog is not sneaky? What do you do when you think no one’s looking? Dogs have learned a great deal from our behavior, they know what's fair and what is not (there is research to prove …
Charming dog videos: Giving Tuesday
The Power of Giving Giving time reminds us we have life to share I volunteer my time for three nonprofits, our Redwood Writers branch of the California Writers Club is the largest branch in our state, …
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Funny glasses, funny dogs: Photo Friday
Ever try to get your dog to wear glasses? Sydney needed help keeping his green Irish specks on. No language needed for laughter with dogs Here is Sydney posing in Jackie O' style Italian …
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Daffy dogs do crazy stuff video
Guilty as charged (a Saturday slob) Cleaning up after a trip to Portland, Oregon my house looks like a bunch of teenagers dropped all their stuff on my tables. Yes, on Saturday (if left alone) I am a …