"Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, we have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!" Humbert Wolfe (1885-1940) Do you read scary stories? I want to know what you …
Squiggly Lines Paris +
Fortune without Fame How fortunate to travel for business and see sights between working days. We love to learn the customs, values, and pick up language phrases for polite greetings. Because we will …
Don’t Let Your Dog Fly out of a car: Photo Friday
By Deborah Taylor-French Flying dogs? No, I am not talking of soaring canines, racing off diving platforms after tossed toys. I love watching dogs in action. Mutts racing and jumping for fly balls …
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Calling Elvis: Photo Friday
Seeing dogs in the back of pickup trucks, I feel two distinct emotions. Happiness and fear. I happen to love trucks and love people who take their dogs with them. Then the danger of a loose dog …
Blog Paws Blog Hop
Due to rules on WordPress,com I’m unable to use the Web code. So here is a link to Blog Paws. On Blog Paws Wordless Wednesday, I entered Sydney’s photo from Ears Up: Photo Friday post. Please, go see …
Cosmo: Mutt Monday
Cosmo, a Papillon four years of age, waits in southern California. October 24, 2011 FoundAnimals Website "Cosmo has lived in an apartment all of his life. But his mom has MS and can no longer …