About a week ago Marc and I walked downtown around the City of Petaluma. On Petaluma Blvd., North, Marc pointed to a pet store. I looked at the display window.
Of course, I love pets and pet shops. But that’s not why he pointed. Marc said, “Do you see the dog?”
I took a double take. Among the many toy pups in the display, a dog held himself perfectly still. The illusion this canine created among the stuffed doggies made me stop and stare. I did not immediately find the living dog.
Then a slightly movement caught my attention.
A Dog People Watching?
I figured this dog enjoys people watching. A dog that likes to observe people? Sure my dog watches me. But Sydney wants to know the exact second I make a move toward the kitchen. I have no idea if our pooch would stand in a window waiting for people to walk by.
How About Your Dog?
Would your pet stand like a lawn ornament, watching people and cars go by?
No chance that our Sydney would standing still. Not for a million Milk Bones. Never the silent type, our mutt loves the sound of his own voice. Making a ruckus is Sydney’s favorite thing to do. Especially when he sees a person he can greet and throw himself into a friendly pair of hands.
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