Dig Historical Things?
History comes down to a collection of objects. Visited four museums today. The Strasbourg Norte Dame Cathedral Musee appealed to me as the most varied and complete museum we toured.
At 10 am we studied some exceptional paintings at the Musee Des Beaux-Arts inside the “Palis Rohan.” Loved a number of paintings from the Middle Ages to “Primitive” Italian and Flemish. The collection includes early Renaissance painters such as Giotto and also works from the Italian high Renascence by Tintoretto and Raphael.
Why Art Objects Outlive Nations
Stuck by the fact that early human art solo purpose came about to honor the dead. Thus this photograph of a crypt covered in depictions of sufferings knights. Knight were privileged men, a select few, trained to defend kingdoms and to fight for pay and glory. As we in the West have privileges beyond the means of most humans, I relate to the struggles of those who fought for ideals of fairer laws, peace for all, and freedom from random violence.

We can see the spires of the Norte Dame Cathedral from the apartment windows. Though summer seems to be raising temperatures to 80 and above, river breezes cool the afternoons. People here walk their dogs in the cooler mornings or late afternoons.

Best Summer Dog Tip?
Walk your dog only in the coolest hours. Dogs paws burn on hot pavement.

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