Do Dreams Come True?
Sometimes, if I work at them. Sometimes, if I’m lucky. Sometimes, if I get help with building a dream, my dreams come true.
A long-awaited dream has come true. My first mystery book launched and this day my book can be purchased at over 39,000 retailers worldwide. As yet, I have not seen the paperback print copy. It will be on its way soon.
Doing the happy dance
Nailing myself down to set up my Amazon and Goodreads author pages, etc. Plus, yesterday my publisher asked me for an author interview to publish on their blog. I will be sure to write about that experience and shout about that here on our blog.
Great news for Dog Leader Mysteries
A page of description of locations the book, Red Sky at Night: Dog Leader Mysteries can be purchased from listed at Resources/Publishing-Distribution
There are actually over 39,000 retailers worldwide that will sell your book. You can tell your potential customers they can order from any major retailer. The purchaser can choose different shipping methods for it to arrive at the desired time. So, the shipping time can vary.
Red Sky at Night: Dog Leader Mysteries
For weeks we have been knee-deep in copyedits, so our blog has gone quiet. But no more, we have tons of stuff to write about and share. New photographs to publish too of fresh doggy faces and jokes. Our skinny on dogs’ newsletter can’t be far behind. Thanks to all fans, family, and friends for signing up for our email updates.
So happy to say that I have made many good friends in Redwood Writers,
the largest branch of the California Writers Club.
Redwood Writers motto of writers helping writers continues
to be an enduring reason I keep writing for publication.
I always wrote. I had never taken my writing seriously.
Not before I met Redwood Writers at a book fair, and they ask me. “Where do you write?”
I said, “I’m writing in my closet, and I want to get out.”
Amazon book page for Red Sky at Night: Dog Leader Mysteries
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