Dogs hate three things
Living with people for thousands of years, dogs have changed. They have learned much about people, in general and in specific.. Of course genetically, dogs as a species continue to change and be changed by human neglect or human intention.
Science continues to study dogs. All over the world, canine and brain researchers keep learning new things about dogs all the time.
- Dogs have a high pain tolerance, so don’t test it.
- Dogs have a sense of fairness, did you know that?
- Dogs have super sensitive hearing.
Do not do these 3 things to your dog
- Never use a choke collar.
- Never give other pets treats without giving your dog treats too.
- Never yell at your dog.
Number 1: The delicate breathing system and swallowing, which include drinking and eating, receive permanent damage from choke and prong collars. See my No More Death by Collar
Number 2: The research proves animals have a sense of fairness and that dogs can count, at least enough to know unfair giving of rewards.
Number 3: The top trainers, canine behaviorists and research show that yelling will make your dog afraid of you.

Thanks for reading Dog Leader Mysteries.
Deborah Taylor-French
Please add to my list. Leave a comment for me because I’m sure dogs hate more than these three things.
I love a saying I came across some time ago re dog treatment – “If you wouldn’t do it to a young child, should you be doing it to a dog?”
Thanks. You have expressed my whole philosophy of humane treatment of dogs (+ all animals). Why put a choke collar on a dog? That would be illegal, and immoral, people would say. I’ll look for the source of this statement to include in my book.
Totally agree with all three points. The only thing I would add is that I have at times used a brief shout to signal to one of our dogs that enough is enough. The dog in question tends to slink off with a clear expression on his or her face, that the other dogs immediately understand, suggesting that Dad’s briefly lost it!
I agree! it’s sometimes hard not to yell if we see the upcoming mischief, but I learnt that wild screaming and yelling makes nothing better…
It would seem to me that yelling/shouting is, from a dog’s perspective, is simply barking. The dog’s reaction could be to go away (retreating safely from a clear threat); barking back at you (it is not amused and will stand its ground); look at you in admiration (it barked at another dog and you simply joined in as pack support)! Of course, a shouted simple command (“OFF!”) will no doubt work but, when I hear lengthy loud sentences being vocalized (“Stop that barking.You know it’s not ice. How many times have I told you about it?”) ………. I doubt the dog has a clue and more likely thinks that you are simply joining in! 🙂
Thank you for posting this. I read–I think it was in one of Ian Dunbar’s puppy books–we call our dogs our best friends. Why would we strangle and pinch, and hurt our best friends? I always found that a very memorable phrase, especially recommended for the ‘I must show him who is alpha’ type of owners.
My dog’s fairnes stops at cat food. 😉
The dogs we had earlier were quite tolerant of my clumsy, sometimes loud (I’m prone to voice my frustration) ways. Our new dog is not. She scares easily and teaches me to speak softly, even though my outbursts are never targeted at her. Just jokingly fighting with the SO makes her afraid.
Yes, dogs seem to assume we are barking with them when we yell a string of words. A single command, “Quiet” or “Sit” or “Wait” works far better with dogs. We need to tell them what to do.
We’ve trained our dogs in specific ways for specific behaviors
If a dog doesn’t get it, we have resorted to shake cans or tossing a dog toy to get his or her attention. Distraction, interruption, and squint bottle of water have worked when nothing else did,
Thanks for commenting. Do your dogs have any thing they hate?
I want to build this list from our dogs’ POV and I respect readers insights to dogs.
Thanks for commenting. Not all dogs become fearful, but some become deaf. No dog lover wants to hurry that along.
I like your comment as to cat food. Does your dog steal, eat or hide the cat food?
I didn’t know that, about becoming deaf.
My dog eats the cat food, whenever she can get it. I feed cat and dog in seperate rooms, but sometimes she manages to sneak in…
What does Ray hate? Hate is a very strong word which, given that Ray is a very laid-back kind of personality, does not seem to apply to him. He has strong dislikes of being left alone (separation anxiety issues), and reacts badly to being woken up by a touch (startle response). He really does not like cats, nor our neighbor! That’s the closest I can get to “hate”!
Oh, good to know. Never had a dog who would eat cat food.
Dogs are sneaky about food. Our keeshonds, no longer with us in body but never missing, we had to feed separately.
Keeshonds, A.K.A. Smiling Dutchmen, females dominate males. So Dawn ran Nabisco off his bowl until she aged to the point of forgetting to eat. At last, I noticed she felt boney, while Nabisco grew fat. I gave her canned food and fed her by hand.
Yeah, I rarely use the word hate. So you have a laid-back dog that dislikes being left alone and startles if you touch him before he’s awake. Not liking cats is interesting, I’m guessing you do not have cats, is that right?
Right. No cats living here. There are a few around the neighborhood who get him upset!
All my dogs, so far, loved cat food and always tried to steal it. Knowing that, it can be a special treat on rare occasions. If asked what my dog liked best, it would be horse poop, raw meat, and cat food–in that order.
Keeshounds, are these the two in your header? I live in Germany, they used to be very popular here (called Wolfspitz), but I don’t see many around lately.
Yes, those are Nabisco and Dawn with our kid. Keeshonds had a unique history, Count Kees started a failed rebellion, people believed having keeshond would get them killed. You can imagine what happened to keeshonds. A few hundred years later a British woman found a pair of healthy keeshonds and revived the breed.
Sydney also loves horse poo. Never would taste cat food.
Sorry, had technical challenges in posting my reply. Love you comment & question!
Yes, those are keeshonds, Nabisco and Dawn with our kid. Keeshonds have a unique history, Count Kees started a rebellion. When he failed, the people believed having keeshond dog would get them killed. You can imagine what happened to keeshonds. A few hundred years later a British woman found a pair of healthy keeshonds and revived the breed. On canals in The Netherlands, people still keep their Smiling Dutchmen dogs. They make excellent family dogs and watchdogs. The breed is in the Working Dog Class. You’ll find pages & posts here on our smiling dogs.
PS. Sydney also loves horse poo. Never would taste cat food.
I’ve seen your reply, just didn’t want to hijack the comments. I’ve heard about that tale. They are great dogs. Their relation to Spitzes also makes them close to the early dogs around, to which Spitzes belong.
Maia picks up horse poo and carries it around… like a hamster. It’s deep in her mouth, no idea if she wants to save it for later, or bring it as a gift. I can take it out of her mouth without fuss, but she does look a bit disappointed.
Oh, thanks for the fun story. Dawn & Nabisco ate cat poo. YUCKY + stinky stuff. But Sydney walks right by it, more interested in wild turkey and raccoon trails.
Do you have a photograph of Maia & horse poo? I’d love to post it on a Photo Friday.
Not yet, and today the weather is lousy, but next time the opportunity arises, I’ll make one and send, or post it. 🙂
I go one step further with the choke collar advice. I only use a harness for my wheaten terrier, Farley. I don’t like the idea of a collar at all. We have a very active lifestyle on the water and in the forests. I worry that he could catch a collar on something and choke. The harness doesn’t seem to bother him. He runs to me when I pull it out and lifts his leg so I can get it under his chest.
Thanks Kristina, you are a woman & a writer after my heart. I have a full page on this blog on “No More Death By Collar.” I’ll add a link to it at the bottom of this post. Deborah
PS. I forget how much I’ve written here, nearly 500 posts, not counting unpublished drafts or pages.
So I’m not crazy in thinking a collar can be dangerous. I’ll stick with the harness.
No, Kristina, you are definitely not crazy. You’re a thinking person’s dog lover. I do hope someday, somewhere I get to meet you & Farley too.