Not for the serious frame of mind?
I tend toward thinking, reading a variety of nonfiction books, blogs and books designed to make me a better writer. When I’m not writing, working or thinking, I call a friend to go for a walk or work in the garden. Much of my time I give as a volunteer to two or more nonprofits. I volunteer as a teacher for youth at a Center for Spiritual Living (16 plus years) and as Redwood Writers Author Support Facilitator.
One of my all time favorite hair-brained comedies
As I shift my focus from writing nonfiction this season to completing my final revision of mystery book, Dog Leader Mysteries, I lean toward silly humor and dumb videos. Love wild black and white comedies too, like the movie “Bringing Up Baby” starring Kathryn Hepburn and Cary Grant.
Movie animals do amazing work
My only caution today is, don’t adopt or try to care for animals that need much more care, roaming room, food or interaction than you are willing to give. Think research, what type of life style do you live, are you active everyday and at the level your newly desired pet needs.

Rin Tin Tin, the world’s first movie star dog
I’ve read and written about Rin Tin Tin, and by the way, Lee Duncan found his pup on a battlefield in France during the first World War. After years of trying, Lee never replaced his rescued and beloved Rinty. None of the puppies had Rin Tin Tin’s willingness to work and to enjoy life with Duncan.
Do head on over and read Learning from Dogs by Paul Handover.
Thanks, Deborah Taylor-French
That’s very kind of you to insert the link to Learning from Dogs. Thank you! 🙂
Congrats on getting to your final revision. That’s an exciting time. I wish you the best with it.
Oh, and thanks for the link to Learning form Dogs. That looks like an interesting blog to follow.
Thanks. Just polished chapter 26 with four or five chapters to go for final draft. Thanks for reading, leaving a comment and staying in touch. 😀
Your welcome Kristina. I love Paul’s blog, “Learning from Dogs” and hope you will read it too.