Help stop puppy mill breeders from parading as American Kennel Club approved breeders.
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“New accusations that one of the country’s largest organizations dedicated to dogs, the American Kennel Club, isn’t doing enough to protect animals. TODAY National Investigative Correspondent Jeff Rossen reports.”
Do you know that the American Kennel Club has only nine inspectors for the entire United States of America?
In my opinion, this is NOT nearly enough inspectors to do site visits at even 10% of all AKC approved breeders. AKC pedigreed puppies should be bred for healthy lives and under humane conditions. Don’t the dogs and the dog buyers deserve this?
What do you think?
Can 9 breeder inspectors protect all AKC registered breed dogs across American from unethical and inhumane puppy mill breeders?

Video: One of the country’s largest organizations dedicated to dogs, the American Kennel Club, is facing new accusations from the Humane Society and the ASPCA saying that some AKC-registered breeders are raising dogs in filthy, inhumane conditions. NBC’s Jeff Rossen investigates.”
The Today Show
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AKC-registered breeders raising dogs in ‘miserable’ conditions
Help dog buyers stop buying puppy mill dogs approved by the American Kennel Club. Help dog lovers find breed rescue groups and shut puppy mills. No more animal cruelty under the AKC stamp of approval. Dogs lives and futures depend on us. Be their voice. Speak up. Write for dog rescue and adoption.
Yours most truly,
Deborah Taylor-French
Related articles
- AKC-registered breeders raising dogs in ‘miserable’ conditions (today.com)
- Animal Support Happy to Hear US Congress is “Going to the Dogs” (prweb.com)
- Be careful where you buy your new puppy from… (jackiewriting.wordpress.com)
- The Today Show Exposes Link Between Puppy Mills and the AKC (hsus.typepad.com)
- The truth about the American Kennel Club is exposed on the Today Show (richmondspca.typepad.com)
Reblogged this on jackiewriting and commented:
“Help dog buyers stop buying AKC registered dogs and look to breed rescue groups, plus shut down puppy mills due to their animal cruelty. Dogs lives and futures depend on us. We need to be their voice.”